Now here’s the reason why I created this blog. It’s an uncommon solution. Uncommon because I had a hard time finding a solution by using google and ended up altering the method until it worked in a way that made some sense.
Let me start by saying that there are some strange nuances with SQL columns when you surround them with grave accents.
The problem? I was trying to enclose the column names with grave accents to keep my code readable and reliable even though I was using JOINS.
Let me start with what did not work… `Table_Name.Column_Name`. I immediately got a “unknown column in field list” error.
After some poking around, this is what did work Table_Name.`Column_Name`. Note how only the column name is surrounded by the grave accents. This style works, leading me to believe that Table_Name can be enclosed by a separate set of grave accents.